Japanese Products
are HERE!


Japan Brand
Auction Store





journal de sakiko

l'art zen

Le blog de Armelle

Guides & Carnets

New shirt accesories
It's made of frexible
bent material.
It has soft and smoothly touch.

Japanese split curtain.
Please hang inside of the door.



Traditional wrap cloth.
Bring something in the wrap cloth.


The cotton hand towel.
It is cute to put down on a table or display on the wall.


Traditional clothes Kimono, and Kimono tool.
It has beautiful colors, and pattern.
Its cordinate is interesting!!



Post it note contains 50 pieces.
The designs are "cafe" ,and "Japanese style".
The shape of "cafe" is square, and "Japanese style" is oblong.



Rare!! Japanese old abacus "soroban" check it out!!


Apprendre la langue etrangere dans le blog de Miko!
Si vous souhaitez le lire en deux langues en meme temps,par ici.


novembre 2012

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